This dreck posted by Poromenos on Sunday, August 22, 2004

Winning her back.

Inspired by the previous post, I decided to write this guide for all you blokes who are barely presentable enough to get a chick, but not enough to keep her. This guide aims to enable you to win her back after she has inevitably dumped you.
The basic thing to remember is that women like real men (don't worry, there may be hope). So, whatever you do, act like a man. It may be hard, but you have to try. I will now give you a few examples of how you should act if you want to win the egoistical ho back.
Wrong: Calling her and saying "Please forgive me, I know I can do better."
Right: Calling her and saying "Fuck, I didn't get a date tonight. If you wanna fuck, come by my place."
This makes multiple points with one statement. First of all, it shows her that you get laid more frequently than a $1 hooker. Secondly, it shows that you couldn't give a fuck if she wants to fuck or not, because of the first statement. And thirdly, it shows you know how to use a phone. Chicks dig that.

Wrong: Saying "If you come back, I will give you the sun and the moon and all my money."
Right: Saying "What the fuck, why am I even talking to you? Excuse me, but a chick whose name I don't know is in my bed waiting for me."
This demonstrates that for one, you really don't want to talk to her, and also you have a chick whom you just met in your bed. This makes her mad because it hurts her ego, and makes her jealous that you are over her already. Women really hate that shit.

Wrong: Saying "I have been so lonely since you left!"
Right: Saying "I porked a fat chick yesterday. She reminded me of you a lot."
The aforementioned statement lets her know that not only do you get laid a lot, but also with ugly fat chicks who remind you of her. That makes her realise that you not only have low standards when it comes to women, but these low standards were what made you approach her in the first place. That will get her to realise that she doesn't deserve better than you.

Wrong: Giving her gifts and seeking her attention.
Right: Giving other women gifts and getting their attention.
This way she sees that you couldn't care less about her and that other women like you a whole lot. She will then surely realise what a big catch you are and beg you on her knees to take her back.

The above situations are only an example of what you must do in any other situation in order to get her back. Let's face it though, if you were this popular, she wouldn't have left you anyway, and the mere fact that she left you means that she doesn't care about you, so the only thing you can do is beg her to take you back so you can buy her presents and kiss her on the cheek sometime while she fucks football players. Good luck with that.


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