This dreck posted by Poromenos on Monday, October 18, 2004


They live. I've seen them. If you live in a touristy area, you might have seen them too. They're tourists. You see them outside, pasty-white, with their sandals and shorts and backpacks, all raggedy-looking, as if they have come out of a cave after an eleven-month hibernation period to catch some sun before they crawl back under a rock to sleep for another eleven months.
I recently saw a (I think it was American) site describe them the exact same way, and I was shocked. I always thought they came from "abroad", but now it seems that people "abroad" ask themselves the same question. Where do they come from? Could it be that they creep out of a hole every year, after living in the Earth's core for a very long time? They never seem to speak a language anyone can speak, and I think that is camouflage. In Greece, they speak Norwegian. In Norway (who would go to Norway on vacation anyway, those guys are frozen all year) they speak Spanish. In Spain, they speak Vietnamese. Noone can talk to them, noone can tell where they are from or why they came where they are.
I don't believe that anyone in their right mind would walk dressed like "they", even if they were thousands of kilometers (approximately thousands of miles) away from home. One must be characterized with a distinct lack of sanity to wear sandals in public. And what is the matter with their colour? I've seen ALBINOS more black than that, for crying out loud. I don't think humans are capable of having that lack of pigment in their skin (excluding Counterstrike players, but they're not humans anyway. I can almost hear them cry out "DIE FAGET" to me).
The next time I see one of "them" (which will probably be next summer, which is, for those of you unfamiliar with Greece, in 4 months, because we have 8 months of summer here), I will be sure to confuse him by speaking Norwegian (I shall learn a phrase), so that he will be forced to speak English, and after he has fallen victim of my clever ruse, I will interview him for your viewing pleasure.
Back to watching Black Hawk Down (yeah, I STILL haven't watched all of it, that movie lasts days, or so it seems). I am fairly confident that the Somalis will lose, because they didn't pay a single shilling for the production of the movie.


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