This dreck posted by Poromenos on Sunday, February 13, 2005

Choose this!

I was having a rather enjoyable discussion with some friends recently, when the argument that the woman is the one who chooses the man came up. I can see how one might arrive at this fallacy, if they take into account the following scenario:
Man sees woman.
Man talks to woman.
Woman either spreads legs, or slaps man in the face.
At this point, many argue that the woman has made the choice, which implies that the man had no choice in the matter. This portrays men as horny, sex-crazed beasts that go around talking to any female they encounter, not even caring if said female belongs to the same species as they. This, members of the alleged jury, is a non sequitur.

I know women that BEG to be chosen. They go to clubs and nobody comes to talk to them. I ask you, is that choice? Even the most hideously deformed man is free to try his luck with a member of the opposite gender, regardless of whether he succeeds or not. Women, on the other hand, are not able to do this, as it is not considered "normal" for a woman to go up to a man in a club and initiate conversation with him.

The argument I am making is that, in fact, men have a lot more choice than women. If I go out to a club and there are a hundred women there, I have a hundred to choose from. Even if a woman doesn't notice me, I will make her notice me by talking to her. Women have to choose from at most two or three men that come to talk to them, out of the hundred or so that may be in the aforementioned place of social gathering. Also, if a woman likes someone who, for whatever reason, has not noticed her, she is shit out of luck. Good luck choosing him, girl.

Closing, I would like to ask of the members of the fair sex never to say this kind of bullshit again in my presence, else I shall be forced to pretend to listen to them while I lose all respect towards them I may have gained. Thank you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You tell it like it is... I have yet to see any evidence to the contrary.

11:41 PM  

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